Category Archives: News

Official Release Day For Michelle Ross’ There’s So Much They Haven’t Told You

Today is the official release day for Michelle Ross’ debut collection, There’s So Much They Haven’t Told You, winner of the 2016 Moon City Short Fiction Award. Among the stories in Michelle’s collection is “Rattlesnake Roundup,” which first appeared in Moon City Review 2016.

It has been a real honor to publish this wonderful book, and we are thrilled to be able to officially welcome Michelle to the Moon City family.

Pick up a copy of There’s So Much They Haven’t Told You here.

Visit The Moon City Press Table At AWP

If you are attending the AWP conference in Washington, D.C., this week, be sure to stop by the Moon City Press book fair table (125-T). While there, pick up a complementary copy of Moon City Review 2017 (while they last), which is hot off the presses. We will also be featuring a selection of the press’ other titles, including its most recent release, Michelle Ross’ There’s So Much They Haven’t Told You, winner of the 2016 Moon City Short Fiction Award. There will also be Moon City Press t-shirts for sale. At the very least, just stop in and say hello to our wonderful staff!

Additionally, the Moon City Press table will be hosting two signings:

Thursday, 2 – 3 pm, Sarah Freligh will be signing copies of her poetry collection Sad Math, winner of the 2014 Moon City Poetry Award

Friday, 11 am – 12 pm, Michelle Ross will be signing copies of There’s So Much They Haven’t Told You

We hope to see you there!

Former MCR Contributor Jim Daniels Publishes New Book Of Poetry

Jim Daniels, whose poetry and fiction appeared in Moon City Review 2016 and Moon City Review 2014, respectively, just published a new collection of poetry through Wayne State University Press. Daniels’ collection, Rowing Inland, is part of the press’ Made in Michigan Writers Series. More information can be found here.

Please visit our Authors page to see which of Daniels’ work first appeared in MCR.

Moon City Press To Host Alexander Weinstein Reading

To kick off the spring reading series, Moon City Press will be hosting Alexander Weinstein on Friday, January 27. Weinstein is the author of the much-heralded collection Children of the New World, out this past fall from Picador. It was named one of The New York Times‘ 100 Notable Books of the Year for 2016, one of only three short-story collections to make the list.

The reading will be held at 7 p.m. in the Plaster Student Union Theatre on Missouri State University’s campus. The author will be signing afterward in Paw Prints, where his books are already for sale. The event is free and open to the public and sponsored by Missouri State University’s Creative Writing Program, Department of English, and College of Arts and Letters.

Even More 2016 Books From Former Moon City Review Contributors

Now that we have recognized the former Moon City Review contributors who published book-length works of fiction and poetry in 2016, we will wrap up the list with one who gave us a new collection of nonfiction:

Charles Harper Webb, A Million MFAs Are Not Enough (Red Hen Press)

Also, Neil Mathison‘s Volcano: an A to Z and Other Essays about Geology, Geography, and Geo-Travel in the American West (Bauhan) is forthcoming in 2017.

One last time, congratulations!

Visit the Authors page for a complete list of the work these authors (and many others) contributed to Moon City Review.

More 2016 Books From Former Moon City Review Contributors

Having already honored the former Moon City Review contributors who published book-length works of fiction in 2016, we would now like to do the same for poetry. Here is the impressive list:

Jeffrey Alfier, The Red Stag at Carrbridge (Aldrich Press) and Southbound Express to Bay Head: New Jersey Poems (Grayson Books)

Benny Andersen, Benny Andersen: Selected Poems (Princeton University Press), translated by Alexander Taylor

Darren C. Demaree, Many Full Hands Applauding Inelegantly (8th House Publishing)

Nandini Dhar, Historians of Redundant Moments (Sundress Publications)

Jeannine Hall Gailey, Field Guide to the End of the World, winner of the 2015 Moon City Poetry Award, available here

Donald Illich, The Art of Dissolving (Finishing Line Press)

George Looney, Hermits in Our Own Flesh: The Epistles of an Anonymous Monk (Oloris Publishing)

Sandra Marchetti, Heart Radicals (with Les Kay, Allie Marini, Janeen Pergrin Rastall) (ELJ Publications)

Melanie McCabe, History of the Body (David Robert Books)

Nancy Carol Moody, The House of Nobody Home (FutureCycle Press)

Alan Michael Parker, The Ladder: Poems (Tupelo Press)

Mary Quade, Local Extinctions (Gold Wake Press Collective)

Marc Tretin, Pink Mattress (NYQ Books)

William Trowbridge, Oldguy: Superhero (Red Hen Press)

Also, there are two former contributors with books forthcoming in 2017:

Jim Daniels, Rowing Inland (Wayne State University Press)

Mark Irwin, A Passion According to Green (New Issues Poetry & Prose)

Once again, congratulations to all for a great year!

Visit the Authors page for a complete list of the work these authors (and many others) contributed to Moon City Review.

2016 Books From Former Moon City Review Contributors

With the year drawing to a close, the editors of Moon City Review want to recognize all of the former contributors who published books in 2016. Fortunately for all, it is a rather long list, so instead of presenting it all at once, we will do one genre at a time, beginning with fiction:

C.D. Albin, Hard Toward Home (Press 53), short stories

Ace Boggess, A Song Without a Melody: A Novel of the ‘90s (Hyperborea Publishing), novel

Matthew Fogarty, Maybe Mermaids & Robots are Lonely (Stillhouse Press), short stories & novella (including “We Are Swimmers” and “Meteors,” which appeared in MCR 2014)

Katy Resch George, Exposure (Kore Press), short stories

Becky Hagenston, Scavengers (University of Alaska Press), short stories (including “Puppet Town,” which appeared in MCR 2013)

Britt Haraway, Early Men (Lamar University Press), short stories (including “Lilly the Kid,” which appeared in MCR 2015)

Allegra Hyde, Of This New World (Iowa Short Fiction Award, University of Iowa Press), short stories

Richard Newman, Graveyard of the Gods: A Novel (Blank Slate Press), novel

Amber Sparks, The Unfinished World (Liveright), short stories

Of course, there was also Laura Hendrix Ezell‘s story collection, A Record of Our Debts, winner of the 2015 Moon City Short Fiction Award (includes “Fugue,” which appeared in MCR 2016), available here

There are also two former contributors who will publish books in 2017:

Meg Eden, Post-High School Reality Quest (Rare Bird Books), young-adult novel

Michelle Ross, There’s So Much They Haven’t Told You, winner of the 2016 Moon City Short Fiction Award (includes “Rattlesnake Roundup,” which appeared in MCR 2016), available for pre-order here

Congratulations to all for a great year!

Visit the Authors page for a complete list of the work these authors (and many others) contributed to Moon City Review.